Personally I love Discovery, and this film, featuring animation overseen by legendary Japanese animator Leiji Matsumoto, really brought the album alive for me (no pun intended). The plot is obviously very simple - blue aliens are abducted by humans, brought to earth (nice twist on the old alien abduction), de-alienized, and turned into mass market pop star automatons. Aliens are rescued, evil corporation mogul is vanquished, aliens are returned to their home planet, everyone lives happily ever after in a universe of perfect human-alien bilateral harmony inside the mind of a sleeping child.
But then again, simplicity of plot is what you want from a good music video. Yes, there's a big fat moral here, but it's served up with such a light touch that you hardly notice. Daft Punk just want to teach the world to sing and you can't fault them for that, can you?
Dir. Kazuhisa Takenochi, 2003
You must have a heart of stone not to appreciate Discovery - and this movie. Big thanks to the blogger for his compilation on original tracks Daft Punk have sampled. Made we realise there's at least one Barry Manilow track I fucking love - Who's been sleeping in my bed, which is used for Superheroes I think